
11 secrets of happy people

Ready to bring some more joy into your life? Author Joe Robinson points the way.

Why leisure time is essential for well-being

There’s no shortage of excuses to keep you from enjoying your life to the fullest.

Don't be a spectator. Participate!

We’re raised to be spectators, and too often we spend our time staring at screens, day and night.

Guilt is a waste of time

If you feel guilty for not working until 8pm every night or you feel bad using your vacation days, stop.

Push through the blues

Sometimes moods can hold your life hostage. We cycle through ups and downs every day.

Leave your comfort zone

Trying something new is always a little scary. Don’t worry about looking a fool. Fools have more fun, because they’re learning new things.

Seek longterm gratification

Choose gratification over shortterm pleasures. Most of the time we go for the pleasures - food, sex, shopping.

Be a life-taster

You increase your odds of finding a passion by trying many different activities -- dancing, hiking, pottery, kickball.

Make time for play

Turn off the work mindset, with its emphasis on productivity and busy-ness, and switch on the intrinsic play mind, the one that requires no purpose or outcome to justify

Practice makes passion

You don’t find a passion from across the room. You have to be in it for a while to develop the competence for it to become a passion. Stick with it.

Happy people are initiators

Don’t wait for life to happen. You have to make it happen. You’re the entertainment director of your life.

Don’t wait for life to happen. You have to make it happen. You’re the entertainment director of your life.

Be positive (or fake it!)

This is one of the real secrets of the universe.


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