
10 things you need to know if your child goes to hospital

You never know when you will end up in hospital with your child, and in a time of uncertainty, stress and possible trauma, it is so important as a parent to be prepared, calm and in control for the sake of your child.

Prepare your child before they go. Talk to them about their visit to hospital, do it in simple terms, not over loading them with big words.

Read any information you can find on your child’s condition, this will help you ask questions and may help you understand what the doctor is talking about.

When you have a child is hospital, there is a lot of unknown, a lot of waiting, and a lot of paperwork for you to fill out.

When ‘fasting’ your child before an operation, never eat or drink in front of them, and try to keep them away from sibling who may be eating.

Know your limits as a parent. You really do need to stay strong for your child.

Be a sensitive parent and don’t embarrass your child.

Taking your child into theatre can be a scary thing, but if the hospital allows this and you feel emotionally strong enough, go with your child.

If you have time before an admission wrap up lots of little surprise presents. Keep them either in your bag, or put them in a little back pack for your child..

Don’t forget siblings. Make sure you take time to talk through what is happening with siblings who are old enough to know what’s going on.


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