
10 things you should think about while you are pregnant

Pregnancy should be a time to be savoured but all too often stress and anxiety creeps in. Stay positive throughout your pregnancy with these motivational tips.

By Lynne Roberts

Accept help when you need it

OK, so you’re pregnant and not ill, but there’s no reason to suffer in silence if your swollen feet are killing you.  Some wom

Buy the right clothes

In the early days of your pregnancy a bump band can help your everyday wardrobe go a long way, but there will come a time when it’s no just long

Eat better

Give your baby the best possible start with a healthy diet that will benefit you all.  Ditch the junk and build meals around a good balance of starchy foods

Get your finances in shape

Babies don’t need much in the first few months, but they’re not tiny for long and before you know it you’ll be thinking about c

Plan ahead

In the final weeks of pregnancy everything is focused on the birth, but there is life after labour so start thinking about the reality of life with a new baby.&n

Stay positive

Hormones have a lot to answer for during pregnancy and you don’t know how you’ll feel from one day to the next. 


The right exercise will help increase energy levels, keep your weight in check and improve strength and stamina to help you prepare for labour – plus you&rsq

Ask the right questions

Preparing for childbirth is a big step into the unknown and it can be hard to know what choices to make along the way. 

Keep a scrapbook

Pregnancy is a waiting game - at times it feels as if it will last forever.  But one day you’ll look back and it will seem like it was all over

Believe in yourself

When it comes to babies everyone seems to have something to say, and you’ll be on the receiving end of endless advice from friends, relatives and


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