
10 office health tips

With many of us – especially office workers – leading largely sedentary lifestyles, we need to take every opportunity we can to inject a bit of healthy activity into our days. Here’s how…

By Hilary Pereira

Try to exercise for at least 15 minutes during lunch

If you’re near a gym that’s not too expensive to join (check with your HR department to see if you get any

Drink plenty of water

Air conditioning can be very dehydrating, and this can be reflected in your concentration levels as well as in your skin, eyes and sinuses.

Get an ergonomic check

Whether you work for yourself of for someone else, you should regularly check the ergonomics of your workplace.

Ditch the car

If you usually drive to work, explore other ways of getting there.

Take a screen break

If you work at a PC, it’s important to take regular screen breaks to take the strain off your eyes.

Take your own lunch

You can save money as well as make deliberately healthy choices if you take your own lunch to work with you.

Boost your circulation

If you spend a lot of time sitting down, especially at a computer screen where you can find yourself at your work station for hours at a time, try to

Take regular breaks

If you’re unsure of the company policy on the amount or length of breaks you can take, check with your employer, then make sure you take all the b

Cut down on caffeine

Drinking too much coffee – more than around two cups a day – can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Avoid a stress build-up

It may seem impossible to avoid stress, but if it builds up it can lead to anxiety disorders and depression.


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