
10 health mistakes your man is probably making

From workouts to healthy diets, many of us make an effort to look after ourselves. However, we could be compromising our health on a daily basis without even knowing it. From bottling things up to eating fast food, here are the top 10 male habits you should try to break.

Avoiding the doctor

Research by the charity Men’s Health Forum has revealed that men are 20 per cent less likely than women to visit their doctor, despite the fact that they have shor

Not doing self-checks

Just like with visiting the doctor, many men avoid doing necessary health self-checks due to fear, denial of the risks, or confusion over what to do.

Binge drinking

Although women are rapidly catching up with men in the drinking stakes, binge drinking is still more common among men than women, and there are consistently higher rates of a

Stressing over work

While men and women are equally exposed to workplace stress, according to a survey of 3,000 workers by Medicash, men are four times more likely than women to take a sick

Taking hot baths

Many men enjoying soaking in the tub, but for all those trying to conceive it may be time to swap those long baths for showers.

Not applying sun cream

Although skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, multiple research studies have shown that few of us regularly wear sunscreen, and that men are the w

Poor bathroom hygiene

Do you wash your hands after you’ve visited the bathroom?

Not brushing their teeth

According to a study by the American Dental Association, only 66 per cent of men brush their teeth twice or more a day, compared to 86 per cent of women.

Eating fast food and takeaways

In today’s fast food culture, many of us are guilty of hampering our weight loss by indulging in too much junk food, and this is particularly true for m

This post was originally published here and is republished with full permission.


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