
10 health benefits of green tea

Green tea is gaining in popularity in the UK, with traditionally black tea manufacturers adding it to their ranges. Not only is it a delicious alternative to black tea or coffee, it has lots of health benefits, too, as studies have suggested it may help ward off many diseases. Here are 10 health problems green tea can help to prevent.

By Hilary Pereira


Green tea contains antioxidants called catechin polyphenols, and is particularly rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a plant-derived molecule.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Studies suggest that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and another vital chemical called epicatechin gallate (ECG), which are both found in green tea, c

Cardiovascular disease

Drinking green tea regularly has been found to lower overall cholesterol levels, particularly ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol.


In many different studies, green tea has been found to boost the effect of antibiotics, so it’s worth drinking it whenever you have an infection that’

Impaired immunity

Green tea contains lots of compounds that can help boost the immune system.


Although more scientific studies need to be carried out on humans to establish the weight loss benefits of green tea, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to


Scientists have discovered that the antioxidants found in green tea can penetrate the tissues of the eye, and that they may help to protect against glaucoma and ot

Tooth decay

The antibacterial action of the plant-derived molecules called catechin polyphenolsm, which are contained in green tea, can help combat bad breath and reduce th

Stress and depression

One Japanese study found that drinking green tea played a role in preventing stress and depression.


There are some epidemiological studies which have linked the consumption of green tea with regulating blood-glucose levels.


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