
Are you a chucker or a keeper?

There are some stories you know you shouldn’t laugh about but you can’t help it. I was driving to a thing at my son’s school last night and in a very serious voice, the ABC newsreader read out the following story on the 6pm radio bulletin:

Gundam robot

A Japanese man has pleaded guilty to burning down his family home after his mother threw away some of his favourite robot toys.

Yoshifumi Takabe told Kobe District Court in western Japan he became suicidal after losing the figures, which he says were partners he wanted to spend his life with.

The 30-year-old, who lived with his mother, torched the family home in retaliation, saying he wanted to die with his robots in the fire.

The blaze on August 9 last year completely destroyed their two-story wooden house, but no-one was injured.

Ok, so I’m sure it wasn’t at all funny for Mrs Takabe but still, I giggled.  Are you a hoarder or are you ruthless at chucking things out? I have an intense need to purge myself of some of the crap around my house at the moment but somehow it just seems so overwhelming.

Thank God I don’t collect robots.

Do you collect anything? Sentimental? Are you a chucker or a keeper?  What do you (or someone you live with) have trouble chucking out?