
Man opens packet of chips. Chips are not chips. Chips are still a whole potato.

Yesterday it was naked Tim-Tams, and now THIS.

A man in the UK opened a packed of chips from Aldi for his morning snack.

Inside, he found a whole potato.



Classic Aldi. Some assembly required.


Richard Bootman, 25, opened the packet at his desk for his mid-morning snack.

“I picked it up and it was airtight so I didn’t question it. At first I thought it was a ball of soggy crisps. When I realised what it was, everyone in the office laughed. We couldn’t believe it.”

The chips were supposed to be steak and onion flavour. Unfortunately, a steak was not provided, nor an onion.

The potato, one week later. Still not chips. Sourec: Twitter

Bootman posted the images on Twitter and sent it to Aldi, who offered him a refund. They probably could have offered him a knife and a deep-fryer, but a new packet of chips was good enough for him.

Potato news: Hot chip vending machines. Yep.

“It is likely I will buy them again – brand doesn’t bother me with crisps. But I will feel up the pack before I open them.”

Best part? The packet said that the product contained “100 per cent British potatoes”.

It sure did, Aldi. It sure did.
