
Disciplining other people’s kids. Verbally? Physically? Ever?

Yes, I’m reading The Slap right now. If you haven’t read it, it’s an Australian best-selling novel about the repercussions amongst a group of friends when one of them slaps another one’s child at a BBQ. Now, the ABC are making it into a TV series. I’m looking forward to that big time. So when this email pinged into my inbox, I thought it was timely to post.


M writes:

Just briefly… last week I had a friend (the husband of a good friend of mine) tell off my 8 year old for pushing the door and hitting his daughter in the face. 

He was standing in the middle of the incident watching it unfold and didn’t intervene until my son pushed the door (neither of the kids was innocent in what went on). He then preceded to scream at my son how stupid he was. I was sitting about 10 metres away with another 4 girlfriends and we were all gob-smacked.

I didn’t say anything and have been boiling inside ever since. I’ve drafted an email to tell him how upset I am at what happened but I’m so nervous to send it (I am such a non-confrontational person!!). If I don’t tell him how upset I am I’ll never be able to get over it. I’d love to hear what you and your readers think about telling off other people’s kids, especially when the parent is there to intervene.

I’d love to pose a topic for discussion. Where do you sit on the topic of other people telling off your kids?

Gosh, where do I sit? Never happened to me so I’m not sure. Obviously a big no to the hitting part. I’m not a hitter. And among my group of friends, I find we’re far harder on our own children than each other’s when we’re together. Maybe my friends and I have similar approaches to discipline and values so it’s not an issue?

Actually, wait. Many years ago I did have a situation where someone I knew told off one of my children for accidentally spilling something on the table when we were there for dinner. I was furious and left. It was an accident and he was way out of line to shout or snap or whatever it was he did. Later, he admitted as much and apologised.

My child was mortified at first but quickly got over it. Me? Not so quickly.  It took me a long time to forgive that person.

Have you had any experiences or do you have any thoughts you’d like to share on this VERY contentious subject?