
Boy, girl or surprise package?

“I knew Erica Packer was having a girl!” declared my friend
triumphantly in a voicemail message she left on my phone.  This was in
response to my earlier text message: “You were right about Erica!”.

news about baby Indigo’s arrival was timely because my friend and I had
been discussing it over the weekend. “You’re having a girl and so is
Erica” she’d assured me over olives, wine (her) and tea (me) as I’d
nodded agreeably and somewhat vaguely.

My friend is very good at picking unborn baby genders and I dare not argue because she’s so confident about her predictions.

Me? Not so much. In fact, I’m not confident at all about what I’m
having. To be honest, I’ve spent alarmingly little time during this
pregnancy even thinking about it. Far less, it would seem, than my

Gwen Stefani has said she’s not finding out the sex of her second child and has painted the nursery black.

become slightly more pressing now as we enter the home straight because
I’m buying baby clothes and thinking more about names. But I still have
no idea. No gut feeling. So it’s white, white, white.
seems to agree that I’m having a girl but I’m not so sure. I knew my
first baby was a boy. On a gut level, not a medical one because we
never found out.

Boy or girl or surprise package?

Read the rest of this post at Essential Baby here….