Having a long commute to work isn't exactly fun.
In fact, there are some days where it really, truly sucks.
Those are the days that you get up extra early and prepare your snacks and entertainment for the train (very important), only to find out last minute that it's been delayed or replaced by a bus. And you'll be late for work... again.
Watch The Star Signs When There's A Problem At Work. Post continues after video.
As someone who used to travel two hours on the train from the Blue Mountains for uni, I know the struggle well.
But there's also some plus sides that come with a long commute.
If you don't mind putting up with the loud music of the person next you, it can be the perfect time to get some work done, watch the show you've been bingeing, or catch up on some much-needed sleep (I highly recommend the last two).
If like me, you're familiar with the struggles of the long commute (welcome), here are 10 things you'll no doubt know to be true.