
10 things you know to be true if you commute a long way to work every day.

Having a long commute to work isn't exactly fun. 

In fact, there are some days where it really, truly sucks.

Those are the days that you get up extra early and prepare your snacks and entertainment for the train (very important), only to find out last minute that it's been delayed or replaced by a bus. And you'll be late for work... again. 

Watch The Star Signs When There's A Problem At Work. Post continues after video.

Video via Mamamia. 

As someone who used to travel two hours on the train from the Blue Mountains for uni, I know the struggle well. 

But there's also some plus sides that come with a long commute. 

If you don't mind putting up with the loud music of the person next you, it can be the perfect time to get some work done, watch the show you've been bingeing, or catch up on some much-needed sleep (I highly recommend the last two). 

If like me, you're familiar with the struggles of the long commute (welcome), here are 10 things you'll no doubt know to be true.


1. There's always someone with smelly food. ALWAYS.


"Anyone eating. Period." - Talia. 

"I used to train it from Cronulla to Surry Hills and the one thing I learnt - don't sit near anyone who's eating sushi, it stinks so bad!" - Rikki. 

2. And another person always talking on loud speaker. 


"I don't get people that have their phones on speaker and just have full on conversations for everyone to hear everything." - Belinda. 

"I once was sandwiched on a bus next to an old guy watching a Bryan Adams live concert on full volume?!" - Siobhan.

3. Being able to binge a show is the best. But you have to be prepared for that no-reception life. 


"I used to commute from Wollongong to Sydney every day. You always make sure you download music playlists/podcasts/shows to watch because the reception can be dodgy AF on the train." - Lily.

"If there's a reception blackout (for me it's about half an hour in the middle) you have to STARE OUT THE WINDOW LIKE THE OLDEN DAYS. Bring a book." - Tamara. 

4. Putting in headphones and staring out the window is a low-key therapy session.  

"Listening to a good podcast episode for the entire trip or listening to music on a train trip and looking out of the window to recreate this very scene." - Katie. 

Image: CBS.


5. When you sit down in your seat only to realise you're going... backwards. 


"There’s no greater shame than turning the seat around on a train only to realise you’re going backwards and have to turn it over again. Also, the shame in standing in front of the doors to get off only realising that the platform is on the other side." - Emily.

6. Some trips can feel like FOREVER. 


"My commute is 2.5 hours by train and there's nothing worse than finding out your train is being replaced by a bus halfway through. It adds 45 more minutes because of traffic." - Tamara.


"I really miss my son by the end of the day and just want to get home quicker and I can’t." - Alyssa-Jane.

7. But you get to decompress after a long day of work or prepare for the day ahead.


"It's like a weird in between world between work and home that lets you decompress from the day." - Lily.

"Having time to think about work and what needs to be done before I arrive - plan my day out in my head... Also, when I get the train, I can actually get a lot of work done it." - Alyssa-Jane.

8. Speaking of which, the alone time can actually be pretty nice.


"I feel like I get some alone time (which is rare with a toddler)." - Alyssa-Jane.

9. Then again, the traffic. sucks. 


"I used to have to commute an hour and a half each way to work. The worst thing was having such high hopes of Google Maps telling you the ETA was 45 minutes, which would progressively keep going up along the drive." - Karen.

"Traffic sucks when driving! A one and a half-hour trip can become three hours if there’s just one accident." - Alyssa-Jane. 

"Driving in early means you get tradie traffic, and that means a lot of utes going 20k above the speed limit and tailgating and darting around you. It's so stressful." - Tamara. 

10. The fear of sleeping and missing your stop is real.



"Almost everyone sleeps in the mornings, and you set an alarm for the time just before your stop. You have probably at least once accidentally gone past your stop on the way home because you're so tired and didn't realise." - Lily.

Do you have a long commute to work? Let us know in the comments below. 

Feature Image: Getty/Mamamia. 

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