— With AAP.
For over a year, the Australian government have been pushing for the introduction of “outrageous” encryption legislation.
And now, with the support of Labor, the controversial new laws have been passed at the last minute.
According to AAP, the new laws will allow authorities to get access to encrypted messages before Christmas.
Although Labor initially had issues with the new laws, they were quickly passed ahead of security concerns around terrorism over the holiday period.
Labor said its support for the laws was contingent on the government amending the new laws in February 2019.
“We’re prepared to let it go forward on that basis knowing there’s more work to be done,” Labor leader Bill Shorten told reporters on Thursday night.
Once again, Liberals and Labor have stitched up a deal. This time to pass the terrible encryption bill. Gutless and shameful.
— Mehreen Faruqi (@MehreenFaruqi) December 6, 2018
Top Comments
How could these new laws be enforced, say, for an encrypted messaging platform (like Signal) as they are outside the jurisdiction of Australia?
So to put it in everyday language - this is the equivalent of Government which can now legally open your sealed hand-written letter to your Grandma just in case there is bad stuff in there.
Mind you, Grandma probably sells serious weight if you're hand writing to her in code.
'Gran, can I borrow a cup of icing sugar?' Wink. Sniffle.
hey, don't you diss' my Nan, she'll pop a cap in yo ass - without even blinking