Birth: there's nothing quite like it, and it's clear no two birth stories are the same. Which is why we're asking everyday women and some of our favourite celebrity mums to share theirs, in Mamamia's My Birth Story series. To share your Birth Story, email with 'My Birth Story' in the subject line.
This week, Melbourne mum Lucille Wong shares her two very different birth experiences - a vaginal delivery of her daughter and an emergency caesarean for her son.
I was 39 weeks pregnant with my first when I was induced. As I was 37 years old (and therefore "geriatric") and our baby was conceived with IVF, our obstetrician recommended an induction to minimise the risk of complications.
So one Sunday night, my husband drove us to the hospital. My obstetrician inserted a gel into my vagina to soften my cervix and I was given a sleeping pill. The next morning, the doctor returned to break my waters.
Half an hour later, contractions started. At first, the pain was manageable; it felt like period cramps. I asked for gas to knock the edge off and then an epidural when the contractions became too painful. It felt like everything would fall out, and I was only three centimetres dilated.
Watch: Molly Evette Gibson set a record as the child born from the longest-frozen embryo. The donated embryo was frozen in 1992 and implanted into her birth mother in 2020. Post continues after video.
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