
Thousands are calling to ban 'Yummy Mummies' before it's even hit TV.

More than 18,ooo people have signed a petition to stop Seven’s new TV show, Yummy Mummies, from airing.

Spearheaded by the Australian Breastfeeding Project (ABP), the petition authors say the show is “in breach of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice” and is causing distress to viewers.

The reality show, which is coming soon to Seven, follows the life of four wealthy mums-to-be.

The ABP says the reality show trailer, which has already aired, shows a scene portraying “discrimination against breastfeeding mothers”.

In the scene, Yummy Mummies star Maria DiGeronimo, 31, notices a mother breastfeeding in a cafe and says: “Breastfeeding in public is illegal. You just don’t do it”.

Under Australian Federal Law breastfeeding is a right, and it is illegal in Australia to discriminate on the grounds of breastfeeding.

However, the 31-year-old reality star – who went on to breastfeed her own baby – told The Advertiser that she didn’t mean the statement literally.

“I didn’t choose a place that was loud, rowdy, with men who could possibly even be intoxicated. If I would have done that, I’d have covered up, but that’s my opinion and personal choice,” she told reporter Antimo Iannella.

“I wanted a quiet, calm environment so we could bond and share that special moment together,” she added

The TV star says she’s already been judged as a mother after many commenters on social media slammed the one-and-a-half-minute trailer.

“They’ve seen 90 seconds of my entire life. If you can judge someone on 90 seconds of their life, does that tell more about you or me,” DiGeronimo said.


Founder of the Australian Breastfeeding Project, Sarah Murnane, says she hopes the scenes will be removed.

“The damage that this will cause has already began with women explaining [to me] that their child won’t take a bottle so they have to feed in public,” Murnane told Mamamia.

“Another messaged me in tears as she was already scared of comments, this scared her so much she now wants to mix feed for when she needs to be in public,” she added.

“This is a nationwide health issue that we need to work on together. The excuse that Channel 7 don’t agree with the views but have use [sic] the discrimination to get ratings is horrible.”

The petition authors say the show is “extremely damaging to our future generations”.

Breastfeeding advocate groups in Australia say new mothers need support to meet world health guidelines.

“Australian breastfeeding statistics indicate we are falling well short of the [World Health Organization] recommendations,” according to The Australian Breastfeeding Association.

Over 90 per cent of mothers in Australia initiate breastfeeding but rates drop off.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends mothers worldwide to exclusively breastfeed infants for the child’s first six months to achieve optimal growth, development and health.

“Thereafter, they should be given nutritious complementary foods and continue breastfeeding up to the age of two years or beyond,” the WHO website states.

Mamamia has contacted Seven for comment.

Podcast: Keep Your Filthy Smoker Hands Off My Baby.