It’s pretty challenging to be young these days. With the onslaught of social media and its distractions, the rise of eco-anxiety, peer and school pressure and now COVID-19, it’s no wonder that many kids are showing early signs of stress and stress-related challenges.
Yoga is a fun, non-competitive activity that builds physical strength and improves coordination while simultaneously cultivating tools to manage anxiety, build resilience and bring calm to heated moments.
For some more stress-busting yoga moves, give these stretches a try. Post continues below.
Mindful breathing teaches children about the ‘magical breath’ that lives deep inside of them and can be accessed at any time, without anyone knowing. Extending the inhale and exhale regulates the nervous system and helps you to feel calmer almost instantly.
Here, I’ll share a short sequence to do with your kids at any time to cultivate strength, build confidence and induce calm, as well as an easy mindfulness activity they can do in the garden or local park.
Roll out a yoga mat each, play some soothing instrumental music and have fun.