As a teenager, US woman Nicci experienced periods so heavy and pain so severe that she could barely function.
“There were times when I had to wear [adult nappies] because pads [and] tampons and pads weren’t sufficient enough,” she told BBC3.
But after medical investigation at the age of 17, she finally had an answer.
It was revealed that while Nicci’s vaginal opening appeared normal from the outside, internally it branched into a ‘Y’ shape.
She had two vaginas, two uteruses and two cervixes; a rare and debilitating condition profiled in a soon to be released BBC3 documentary titled, Living Differently: The Woman With Two Vaginas.
Top Comments
I've told my story many times on this blog. I had exactly the same condition. I experienced exactly the same physical problems and had everything removed at the age of 28. My husband and I adopted a son who's now 39 and has given us a beautiful daughter in law and two adorable grandchildren.
I never suffered mentally from this because I've always reasoned that my reproductive organs were not me. What makes me, goes on in my brain and the nonsense people talked about me not being a 'real woman' rolled off me like water off a duck's back.
When something horrible like that happens, you have two choices: you can allow it to ruin the rest of your life or you can put it behind you, in the past where it belongs, and move on with having a great life. I chose the latter and I've never regretted it.