
Breathtaking: The first, raw bonding moment between mum and newborn.



Corinne Cinatl was on en route to the hospital to give birth – with her husband and three-year-old son – when her newborn bub decided it was time to enter the world a little earlier than expected.

And so the 29-year-old mother gave birth to Matilda in the front seat of the family car, on the side of the road.

The reason this story is making headlines all over Australia, is that Corinne’s friend – and birth photographer – 28-year-old Breanna Gravener, just happened to be travelling behind them on the road. And so she managed to capture these beautiful photos, which show the first bonding moment between the new mother and her bub.

These pictures are pretty darn remarkable.

To see the full range of images, you can visit Breanna Gravener’s website The Birth Story.

Did you take photos during the birth of your child? Is it something you’d consider?