Who do you envy, what makes you do it and why?
The Envy Across Adulthood: The What and Who has found, not-so-remarkably, that what we envy changes as we age. In our 20s it’s physical appearance, social, romantic and scholastic success and we tend to envy those within five years of our age, whereas by our 40s it’s money, job status and family and we envy 23-year-olds for driving around in small cars that don’t fit families and being able to Netflix binge.
Watch Julia Roberts get her envy on in the scene from My Best Friend’s Wedding below. Post continues after video.
What the study also found was that women envy other women at a greater rate than men envy men. We swear this is proper research and not two guys scouring Instagram and Facebook accounts during Minecraft breaks on a Saturday night.
“Same-gender envy,” the study found. “Was more pronounced in women than in men.”
While what we envied changed over the decades, the who did not, with researchers being unable to “find support for the idea that women particularly envy the privileges of men.”
Say what? Women don’t envy the “privileges of men”? Okay, maybe it’s not envy. Maybe it’s frustration, exhaustion, disbelief, sadness, anger … did we say exhaustion?
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Most of the men I know have a bit of envy going on to a greater or lesser degree. I think men like to compare themselves against each other, just as women do. They compare on the basis of money, career, car, sporting prowess, sexual partners, even the achievements of their kids. In my experience the competitive vibe is stronger in most men than in most women and that mid-life crisis is often driven by envy of one's peers.
My theory: This study tries to superimpose sophistication on something that is actually quite lizard-brain. Women (and men do it too) envy those whom they think are their sexual rivals.
Woman: If I was in a room with this other woman and an attractive man, who would he choose? Or, as we move into a different life phase: She's had more kids, built a bigger nest, has a stable relationship and has out-competed me.
That's why envy of this sort of stuff tends to be focused on the same sex. They're our reproductive competitors.