Image: Hannah from ‘Girls’ is the queen of unrefined solo eating. (Image: HBO).
Are you a lady in the streets, but a freak in the… kitchen when nobody’s around and you’re ravenous? Join the club.
In public, in our workplaces, in polite company — we women are pretty good with our dining manners when required to be. It’s all ‘use a knife and fork; try not to splash anything; take manageable bites; if you drop it, move on.’
When there are no witnesses? Totally different ball game. Even the most refined dames among us have a gross solo eating habit or two up their (bolognaise-splattered) sleeves. These are our stories.
1. Look mum, no hands.
“If I get popcorn at the movies I don’t use my hands — I just use my tongue to pick up the pieces. If anything, I’m being more hygienic because my hands are so clean.”
2. Drop it like it’s hot.
“I have, like, a 10 minute rule — I will eat anything off the floor. It’s my house. If I drop it, it’s my germs anyway, and it’s good for the immune system… etc.”