Ever wondered why you always wake up feeling tired? Like, you're getting more sleep than ever but still feel utterly drained during the day?
Well, there could be a reason behind it.
Because there's a type of exhaustion and fatigue that sleep can't fix. And as it turns out, sleep and rest are not the same thing. In fact, according to experts, we can be tired in different ways, and each one of those ways requires a different kind of rest.
Watch: While we're on the subject of sleep... how long should you really nap for? Post continues below.
In a recent episode of No Filter, Mia Freedman spoke to Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith — a board-certified internal medicine physician and work-life integration researcher — about rest. More specifically, the seven different kinds of rest that will prevent you from burning out, and help you show up to your life with all the energy you need.
Ready? Here's what you need to know about the seven types of rest and when sleep isn't enough.
1. Physical rest.
As Dr Dalton-Smith told Mia, when it comes to depleted physical energy — we're not just talking about running marathons and spending hours in the gym. There are actually a lot of different components and multiple ways that our physical body uses energy.
"Everything that we're doing that uses our physical body uses some level of physical energy," said Dr Dalton-Smith.