Behind the joyful and cute little face of six-year-old Maselino, nicknamed Mase, is a boy who lives with multiple non-cancerous tumours on his brain that need to be monitored for the rest of his life.
He was born with two tumours on his heart, and though one of them has gone, he then developed one in his eye that now also needs to be monitored.
These were the realities that were put to his mother Clarissa, within the first few months of his life.
While you're here, watch what life is like with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Post continues after video.
In fact, doctors first suspected this condition while his mother Clarissa was 36 weeks pregnant, when she was told that he may have his first epileptic seizure when he was three months old. This did indeed happen, with the seizure lasting just over four minutes, with Mase narrowly avoiding brain damage.
We often hear about the challenges that parents with autistic children face. The incurable condition Mase has, called Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), means he also has associated autism. In addition, he lives with tumours, epilepsy, is globally delayed and has angiofibromas, which are small, red bumps on the face. Clarissa has felt utterly alone in dealing with a condition so rare that she often has to explain it to some doctors she sees.