Tracey Spicer is one of Australia’s most esteemed broadcast journalists. She took a former employer to court for discriminating against her after giving birth, her TEDx talk “The Lady Stripped Bare” – about her problem with society valuing women for their looks – went viral. And she’s also not afraid to talk about her sex life, revealing on ABC’s Confession Booth that as a teenager she accidentally made a guy’s penis bleed.
RELATED: The “Pussy Mafia” helped Tracey Spicer rise above awful bosses and sexist workplaces.
The Glow caught up with the brilliant Tracey when she was a special guest at Trilogy’s Age-Proof launch to talk sex advice, feminism and the comments from a boss that made the dye her hair.
Have you ever experimented with another hair colour other than blonde?
“Yes, I had this boss in regional television and I said to him after working there for a year, ‘Do you think I will make it in the big city as a journo?’ And he said, ‘Trace I’ll tell it to you straight ‘cos you’re a good bird, you’ll never make it’. I asked why and he said, ‘Because you’re a blonde and people think blondes are stupid’.
It’s even gobsmacking to tell you that story now, it still makes me take a sharp intake of breath you know? So I dyed my hair red to be taken more seriously, which is ridiculous. How does dying my hair make me appear more intelligent? But these are the kind of things women are forced to do to make it in whatever particular workplace they’re in, which is sad. (Post continues after gallery.)
Tracey Spicer
It’s so sad. When you got there and were taken seriously (which I’m sure wasn’t because you had red hair) was dying it back to blonde kind of liberating?