
This is the cartoon that made Michael Leunig a pariah with working mothers and feminists 13 years ago…

The whole Mem Fox controversy from last month reminded me of this….are we too quick to shout down people who tell us things we don’t want to hear? Or things that make us feel more guilty? I know I was outraged (and felt a bit sick) when I first saw this cartoon a few years ago. My latest Essential baby post is up now:

In 1995, legendary Australian cartoonist Michael Leunig published a
virtually identical criticism of working mothers in the form of a
devastating newspaper cartoon. It was called “Thoughts Of A Baby Lying
In A Child Care Centre” and it articulated the imagined bewilderment
and despair of a baby left in care.

While the cartoon baby
struggled desperately to understand why it had been abandoned by the
person it loved most in the world (its mother), it loyally refused to
think badly of her.

It was poignant and heart breaking. And it put into words the nightmare of every parent who has left their child to go to work.

publication sparked an explosion of anger from feminists and working
mothers who felt vilified and betrayed by someone they had considered –
like Fox – to be an ideological ally…’.

You can read the rest here…