Surly they can work these things out themselves?
There are so many wonderful things you want to teach your kids.
And then there are those other things. The things you never thought you’d ever have to tell anyone. Yet, here you are sharing these little pearls of wisdom…
1. Pee IN the toilet, not on it. Not around it. In it. It wasn’t until I potty trained my kids that I understood what makes frat houses smell so bad.
2. The gift that is the courtesy flush. Parents, remember that someday your kids are going to be completing Operation Dumbo Drop around people who don’t love them unconditionally.
3. How to wipe your own butt. I knew that I’d have to potty train them, but I guess I thought they came installed with some sort of hard-wired sense of cleanliness.
4. How to not use too much toilet paper. See above. Or Google “plumber”.
You might also like: The weird, the gross and the clever: 10 new parenting trends of 2015.
5. Not to drink poison. Listen to me, kids will drink poison if you don’t watch them. It didn’t happen to mine, but not for lack of them trying.
6. Not to walk into traffic. You know you’re going to have to teach them “look both ways” but did you know that they’ll probably still walk into traffic if you’re not there to yell at them? At least for the first six years or so. Another ten years on top of that, if they’re holding an electronic device in their hands.
Top Comments
Don't pick your nose and eat it. Whether you're in private or in public, especially in public. It's gross and just wrong. And don't think that if you do it in the car, nobody can see it. We can, and it's gross. Aint nobody gotta see that!
LOL @ No.19 ... reminded me of my sister putting 50 cents into the plate at church - then attempting to take $5 change. I didn't know whether to be shocked or admire it.