Three days ago I received an email from my sister with the subject line “Super News”. I didn’t open it.
Yesterday, I got a text: “Did you read my email about super? Make sure you put all yours in one easy account and then you won’t have to worry about being destitute when you’re 60 xxxxxx“.
I haven’t replied, but the six kisses on the end really drove the terror deep into my soul.
You see, I know nothing about superannuation. Well, almost nothing.
I know what it’s for, why it’s important and why it’s especially tricky to grow if you’re a woman, but that’s about all I’ve got.
I have no idea how much I have or even where all mine is, let alone how to ensure I’m making the most of it.
In Australia, women retire with less than half the super balance of men, around $138, 154 compared to $292,510*.
This is due to a number of factors. The first being the big ol’ gender pay gap which, despite it being 2017, is still hovering at around 16%**.
Top Comments
I agree that a man is not a plan BUT it does pain me to admit that it all became a lot easier when I got married. It's so expensive being single. Neither my husband nor I are high earners but now with two incomes, there is just so much more flexibility and breathing room. I honestly don't know what would have happened for me financially had I stayed single and I really feel for both men and women who have to do it all alone.
The fact that only 40% of women in the workforce are there in a full time capacity (the rest of us are part timers) goes a long way towards explaining the gender pay gap and the lack of women in senior roles. We are making choices that cost us money and seniority but we perhaps are doing so for the benefit of the ones we care for. We may have less money in retirement but better relationships with those we've nurtured (at least I damn well hope so).
That's probably true but the upshot is that elderly women are one of the groups of people most likely to be in poverty in Australian society. A fair society should have a means of providing adequately for women who make sacrifices to care for others.