Ah New Year’s resolutions – those things we say that make us feel better about ourselves when we’re on our tenth wine.
What if we told you that you could actually keep one of those resolutions, you know, like finally decluttering your wardrobe and getting rid of all the crap clogging up your closet?
And what if we told you that all it took was a simple five-minute hack?
Okay this is starting to sound like an infomericial. But trust us - this hack is simple, and simply genius.
You can thank Anita Birges, founder of Mise en Place, who has come up with a technique called the 'Reverse Hanger Hack'.
All you do is turn all your clothing hangers around to face same way at the beginning of the year. Every time you wear one of the outfits, turn that hanger to face the opposite direction, facing away from the others.
The 5 minute Reverse Hanger Hack!! Start 2018 completely organised????????????
Posted by Mise en Place - Professional Organising & Property Styling on Friday, 29 December 2017
Based on what hangers have been turned and which haven't, in a few months time, you will start see what you often reach for, and what's been neglected and therefore likely needs to be binned (charity binned, preferably).
Pull out the clothes that have to go as the year ticks along, and that's all there is to it.
Now you will find it so damn easy to be one of those amazingly organised people who irons their underpants.
Okay not really, but trust us, this simple little trick will save you a lot of closet space.
Happy new year, happy new wardrobe, amirite?