Six weeks into my IVF pregnancy, I went to my first scan just hoping to hear a healthy heartbeat for the very first time. I heard it… plus another.
Yep, I heard THEM. Identical twins!
After the shock, joy, terror and overwhelming disbelief wore off, one of the first things I did was call a friend of mine who had two-year-old identical twin boys, to basically ask her everything she could tell me about carrying, birthing and raising twins.
And, funnily enough, the only thing I remember about that conversation is her saying, “You just do what’s right for you… don’t read too much or dig too deep for advice or you’ll get overwhelmed with all the conflicting information.
“Just find some other mums that you feel you resonate with and bounce any questions you have off them.”
So call me crazy, but off I launched into twin mama-hood with no idea what I was doing and a ‘she’ll-be-right’ attitude!
And she was. I was completely fine.
Top Comments
Can you be organised without being a Planner? I didn’t read lots and didn’t even go to any birth classes, but I found routines and tricks to stay on top of things and read what I needed to as I went along. Still do that even as my daughter is now eight - I don’t look too far ahead but I’m quite organised in the day to day. So a bit of a mixture of both Planner and Improviser?
Definitely what the Author describes as the planner, not for pregnancy or birth. Definitely was for the baby stage, but it made having a full day out easier. Now back to unplanned, buy the kids lunch from Woolies and eat it from the packet mum.
I did always find the completely unprepared mums annoying and did get to the point that I wouldn't associate with them at they playground at all, I was just fed up of being the one who was paying for their kids provisions when I was out just because they didn't get their act into gear. One of the best things for me was cloth bumming my kids as I never has nappies or wipes I could give the unprepared mums.
That's a great point, I'd be pretty hacked off if another mum kept scrounging for wipes or whatever and just played it off as 'ha ha, well I'm not a planner'!