Bill wasn’t in the top tennis team at his Sydney private school.
He wasn’t in the second team either. He eventually made what he calls ‘the thirds’. Just.
At 29 years old, Bill hasn’t played tennis since school. He’s been very busy. Doing what, no one is quite sure.
Standing at six foot four, Bill likes to tell people how tall he is. He has an impressive wing span, he adds. He doesn’t go to the gym, but does own some weights. Bill chooses to omit the detail that he hasn’t touched them since the Summer of 2010.
He can’t run (bad knees) and tires very easily (a vegetarian who doesn’t eat enough protein).
But ask Bill if he could win a point against perhaps the greatest female tennis player of all time, Serena Williams, and he won’t take a breath before responding; “OBVIOUSLY”.
Top Comments
Hmm, not sure about this one - the question isn't "could you beat her" - it is "could you win one point against her".
Only 3% of women think they can get one little point against her. Maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle, and maybe women need a bit more of that slightly-dumb-but feeling-pretty-good-confidence in life too!
I think a female athlete with biceps like that deserves her place amongst the sports elite like Carl Lewis, Lance Armstrong and the Chinese women’s Olympic swim team.
So, what exactly are you accusing Serena of here?
Being Chinese? I saw through that straight away.