For most parents, mornings are hectic. There are sleeping bodies to wake, packed lunches to make, dirty uniforms to deal with, the list goes on. Getting out on time and in one piece would warrant the label of a successful day.
We imagine Beth Belshaw‘s mornings couldn’t be more different.
A hairstylist and mother of two, Belshaw is behind the Instagram account Sweethearts Hair Design, where she shares pictures of her daughters’ hairstyles every morning with nearly half a million followers.(Post continues after gallery.)
Beth Belshaw braids
But these aren’t your bog standard plaits or half buns – these are seriously incredible, how-on-earth-does-she-do-it detailed braids that put your “purposefully” messy ponytail to shame.
From intricate waterfall braids and elegant chignons to double french braids and styles that seem to defy all rules of hair gravity, you won’t see any ordinary or last-minute hairstyles here.
But perhaps what's even more impressive than the braids themselves is the fact she managed to get her children to sit still long enough for her to do them. (Post continues after video.)
A serious step up from the hairstyles we wore as children (the messy half up, half down anyone?), Belshaw's everyday hairstyles would put most special occasion hairstyles to shame. And even us big kids are seriously jealous.
The good news is that thanks to her detailed tutorials, you too can (try to) master the 'bubble ponytail' and 'half birdcage briad' and impress your children, friends or yourself.
We just recommend that you don't try them when you've only got five minutes on a hectic morning - we've got a feeling it might take a little longer than that.
Which is your favourite braid you'd love to learn to do?