Living more sustainably often comes with the perception of a lot of linen, a minimalist home and a huge price tag, when in actual fact it looks a lot more like the doona you already have, an eclectic mix of furniture and a smaller price tag.
Here are a couple of ways that you can save the planet and a hell of a lot of money at the same time.
Watch: 7 eco-friendly habits that aren't so green... Post continues below.
1. Cut down on new clothes.
Australians are the second largest consumers of textiles around the world - on average a female in their mid-20s will drop $3,500 a year on clothing.
Cut down on your clothes spending, shop secondhand or go without altogether. I quit buying clothes for two years and here’s everything I learned.
Even going without buying anything for a month will save you almost $300.
2. Use up the food you have.
Each year the average Australian household throws away $2,000-$2,500 worth of food! That’s not just the odd slice of mouldy bread, but one in every five grocery bags.
Make a conscious effort to use up everything that you have in your fridge.
Make a list before going to the shops so you don’t buy double-ups and make some fun recipes using your “older vegetables”. A couple of great low waste options are homemade pizzas, frittatas and soups or curries.
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