Enough with the Gen Y bashing. Please.
You know the stereotype: Gen Ys are a giant pack of bratty, entitled narcissists, right?
We only interact through social media, and we’re determined to be carefree kidults FOREVER – preferably from the rent-free comfort of our parents’ home, of course.
We’re not buying houses because we’re too busy taking selfies to “get a good job that pays good money” (hello, Joe Hockey).
And we’re destroying the workplace (and the world, while we’re at it) by having the balls to demand fulfilling careers (with regular promotions, thanks).
I get it, I get it. We CAN be kind of irritating – what with our man buns and our penchant for Tinder and organic cider and all.
Every second week there seems to be another yawn-worthy, ranty article published in the mainstream media about how we Millennials are destroying the very social fabric for one reason or another.
But at least, at the very least, the criticism we’ve copped from Gen X and the Baby Boomers so far has been pretty consistent.
Ever since we’ve swapped high school for the workplace, we’ve heard the same complaints about our attitude.
I mean, how very dare we expect meaningful jobs with work/life balance? Who do we think we are, wanting promotions and halfway decent salaries and refusing to get stuck in the same dead end job for decades on end? The nerve!
But the thing is, Gen Y can’t win. Because recently, I read about a new survey which apparently showed that Gen Y was ACTUALLY a group of “pushovers and yes employees” at work.
Wait, what?
Surely now you’re just punking us.
Top Comments
I think everyone is OVER the whole 'gen x, y, bb' thing...
This happens to every generation since the dawn of time.
And what is funny is that I am on the cusp of Gen X and Y, so I got "bashed" for being a Gen X in the 90s and for being a Gen Y now. Haha, these labels are so arbitrary and ridiculous.