real life

Sometimes we need to remember the small moments, just to get through the day.

Nescafe Gold Barista Style
Thanks to our brand partner, Nescafe Gold Barista Style

There are certain things that bring me happiness throughout the day. They act like little bubbles of luxury that help propel the day forward, making it more graceful, the routine more enjoyable.

Small things like stretching in the morning, a hot water bottle at night (clearly, I’m turning into my father) a green apple in the afternoon cut into small pieces. (My deskmates enjoy this too).

Moments like these are important for keeping your head above water. Last week, we had a mindfulness coach visit the Mamamia office. She spoke to the team about the importance of mindfulness. Of taking time to breathe, and to realise where you are and what you are doing, at certain intervals throughout the day.

I’m not a queen of mindfulness, and I’m not a very effective meditator, but this session made me think about different ways to find awareness within each day, between the very many things we do.


I don’t enjoy running or swimming or yoga until about half way in (probably because by then I am half way in, and only have half way to go).

Motivating myself to get up early and exercise, or spend time after work pounding the pavement, is always a struggle. I have big conversations with myself about “you really should, you’ll feel better for it, you know your productivity and mood and positivity improves when you exercise”.


Exercise improves your productivity and mood. Image: iStock.

But once I reach that half way point, I start feeling the flow. I can’t get enough of it. That state of being 100% present; this gives me a break. It’s a moment in my day that I’m not worrying about deadlines; or thinking about scheduling the car service; or stressing that rent and electricity and the phone bill is due within the space of three days.

Exercise acts as a release for this stress, and clears my mind to better deal with those small, niggly, never-seem-to-go-away problems of everyday life.

Little rituals

Washing my face in the morning. Writing my to-do list before sleeping. The taste of coffee in the mid-afternoon.

Three very simple things, that make me feel a little more like myself. These aren’t so much a release. They’re more a reminder to relax.


Every afternoon, when it hits that it’s-just-past-three-o’clock-and-I-have-so-much-to-do-before-I-leave-the-office panic, I take a break and I make a coffee.

I always use Nescafe Gold Barista style for this (the rich taste and aroma really gets me going).

The warmth helps me relax.

The taste is something I look forward to (particularly when I’m trying to be otherwise healthy and I’m craving something sweet and tasty because a salad for lunch just doesn’t cut it).

And the caffeine is nothing less than essential.

Taking a moment like this makes the rest of the day seem more doable. The afternoon is transformed from being all about work, to being a little bit about me. Like I said, it’s a reminder to relax.


Nothing like the taste of coffee in the mid-afternoon. Image: iStock.


Okay, this I need to get better at.

Meditation coaches and yoga teachers swear by the importance of breath. Even my regular doctor – who is a cynic about most things – once told me I should take time out of each day to focus on breath.

It’s good for relieving stress, reducing blood pressure, and simply giving your mind a break from its endless cycle.

I know I need to work on this. It’s (quite ironically) on my to-do list. But I will get better at it.

In the meantime, I’m counting on those torturous morning runs and my afternoon dose of Nescafe Gold, likely with some cheeky biscuits on the side (I told you I’m turning into my father), to keep my head clear, focused and well and truly above water.  Thank goodness for the small things.

What are the small moments you have to get you through the day?