Parenting is a tough gig. Whether you have four kids or one, from babies through to teens, we are all constantly facing entirely unpredictable challenges.
I never realised I'd signed up to clean up vomit out of the carpet at three in the morning, or that one day I'd have to explain to an eight-year-old why they are too young to watch Squid Game.
Over the years, while my husband preferred to sleep, he was woken to join in the fun of raising our four kids. Often, he'd be the first out of bed in the morning, 'tagging in' so I could stay in bed and sleep.
Watch: Be a good mum. Post continues below.
But without a partner at home to 'tag in', solo mums face the same parenting challenges we all do... without backup.
It's no surprise they are constantly asked how they do it all by other mums who are terrified of the thought of doing it alone.
So, here are the three things people always say to solo parents, according to three mums who have heard it all.
How do you do it all?
"You adjust to anything to provide the life you want for your children and yourself."
Solo mums know that things won't be 'perfect'.
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