Picture this.
Three weeks ago I was sitting on a beautiful beach on a relatively remote island in Malaysia. The air was warm, the crystal-clear water was brimming with Nemo’s dancing in the fluorescent coral and the sky was streaked with the most beautiful pink and gold stains. The sun was setting.
Trying to immerse myself in the beauty that is nature was cut abruptly short, when the couple on the table beside us pulled out a selfie stick.
Considering that the week prior I had overindulged on margaritas and purchased 3 selfie sticks myself, the actual implement didn’t bother me at all. It was the way they went about it.
This very attractive couple began to pose (fine), ask to borrow drinks from neighbouring tables to hold up to each click as if they were theirs (kind of fine) only to then pull out another selfie stick and wander in separate directions to take their own photos of themselves and the sunset (not fine).
I know images on social media aren’t real and photoshop exists, blah blah blah, but shameless selfies are starting to impact my me-time. This is when you should never take one.