Three weeks of election campaigning down, three weeks to go. And yet all I can think about is the colour of the chicken in Scott Morrison's homemade curry.
This is particularly concerning given I am News Editor at Mamamia. My very job description requires me to be across what's happening in the news cycle, and right now in Australia, that's very election heavy.
Watch: Albanese and ScoMo squabbling at the first debate. Post continues.
This morning the curry-chef himself is spruiking more support for older Australians should the Coalition win the election.
His rival, Anthony Albanese, revealed a plan to cut costs of medicines on the PBS by $12.50 during Labor's official campaign launch over the weekend.
The Greens have today laid out how they aim to close the gender pay gap.
All very noble promises. All very important.
And yet. I am stuck on the curry.
'Sri Lankan chicken korma' I found myself typing into Google this morning as I went in search of what it is supposed to look like.
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Like, honestly, this is the comment section on Mamamia, not the National Press Club. Some people need to lighten up and get over themselves 🤣