
Robert and Michael Bever hatched a plan to kill their entire family, then their little brother made the ultimate sacrifice.

The story of the Bever family is a tragic one.

In July last year, brothers Robert Bever, 19, and Michael Bever, 17, hatched a plan to kill their entire family: their mother, April, their father, David, and their siblings, Daniel, Christopher, Victoria, Crystal and Autumn.

In a bid to become famous serial killers, aiming to become so famous they had their own Wikipedia page, the boys planned kill their family, chop up the bodies and hide the parts in garbage bin. Then, they were going to load their parents’ car with guns and ammunition, driving around to different locations in the town and killing “at least ten people at each place.”

“They wanted to kill at least 50 people,” said Detective Rihanna Russell, who interviewed the boys after their arrest.

The massacre, which was planned on one of the Bever brother’s home computers, succeeded in part: police found five family members dead from multiple stab wounds.

However, in Robert Bever’s own words, “everyone didn’t die like they were supposed to.”

Thanks to the incredible quick thinking of 12-year-old Daniel Bever, who called the police once the bloodshed started, the lives of Crystal, 13, and Autumn, 2, were saved.

Watch a news report on the Bever brothers’ arrest. (Video courtesy of KTUL). 


Daniel managed to report the attack and the location of the home before 911 operations heard a struggle on the other end of the phone.

A gruesome recording of the 911 call, which Mamamia has chosen not to share, capture’s Daniel’s last living moments as he is murdered by his older brothers.

Police, once alerted, quickly used dogs to find the culprits, Robert and Michael, hiding out in the woods behind their home. Police, upon searching the house, removed an assorted of knives, swords, masks, gloves, darts and machetes.

Robert and Michael were arrested and are set to stand trial for first degree murder. Because Robert Bever was over the age of 18 at the time of the crime, prosecutors may seek the death penalty in his upcoming trial. Michael’s request to be tried as a juvenile has been rejected.