
"When it comes to disrespecting women, Rob Kardashian is a serial offender."

In the hours that have passed since Rob Kardashian’s latest social media attack against his now ex-fiancee Blac Chyna, one thing has become overwhelmingly clear: among the most powerful female family in Hollywood lies a misogynist riddled with misguided hatred towards the women in his life who have given him so much.

It’s a dark reality that the sock designer has shown time and time again throughout the past decade. Of course, it’s never been as clear as this week, when he posted photos of Blac’s naked body and footage of her in bed with another man to social media without her consent.

Something that, thanks to California’s strict revenge porn laws, may lead to legal action being taken against him – and made claims that she had consumed alcohol and illicit drugs around their young daughter, Dream. But of course, ask Rob, and he will tell you he is the real victim here. Not Blac.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna. Source: Instagram.

"Loved Chyna as my wife and accepted all the wrong she did and continued to ride for her and remain loyal to her," Rob wrote on Twitter in the hours after posting the revenge porn online on Wednesday.

Of course, Kardashian fans will know this is not the first time Rob has publicly blasted his ex on a worldwide platform.

In December, the pair had a public falling out when Rob declared that Blac had left him and taken their then one-month-old daughter with her. It was something she did as a manipulative ploy he argued, rather than, you know, something that was in the best interest of their baby.

At the time, Rob pointed out that he had bought Blac a new car and given her a home. Meaning that in his mind at least, she is a woman that owes him. That she is just another woman to wrong him.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian. Source: E!

This mentality is one that fans of Keeping up with the Kardashians have seen rear its head on countless occasions for almost a decade.

For years, Rob lived with his older sister Khloe and her now ex-husband Lamar Odom free of charge, something Rob felt he was entitled to seeing as his sister was financially good for it.

While living together, Khloe tirelessly tried to help her younger brother with his mental and physical health, even while her marriage was falling apart and her own career was taking off.

In return, he used her home to have parties without consent, blamed his weight gain on her pantry constantly being stocked with food, and indirectly attributed his drug abuse problems to her.


He that if she had not married a drug addict (Lamar attended rehab in 2016 for cocaine and sex addiction following an overdose) and invited him to live in the same home he would never have been exposed to it in the first place.

Listen: There's a science to the Keeping up with the Kardashians ratings. Post continues... 

Eventually, when it became too much for Khloe, Kris Jenner stepped up to the plate and purchased her only son an AU $3 million home of his own. She spent days decorating the house and bringing over items of furniture that had belonged to his late father, clearly a desperate ploy to remind the child she loves of where he comes from and where she feels he belongs.

And while Rob did thank his mother for her hard work, footage captured by the camera crews that constantly trail the family around still showed someone with an air of entitlement to it all. As though Kris hadn't worked hard for her money. As if because he was her child he deserved her generosity. As if, by virtue of being the only male in the family, this was his birthright.

There was also the time Rob posted a photo of Rosamund Pike's Gone Girl character Amy Dunne to Instagram with the caption, "this is my sister kim [sic], the bitch from Gone Girl."

The time he refused to attend Kim's wedding to Kanye West because he felt self-conscious about his weight.

The multiple times he has referred to his five sisters as sluts and whores, both on and off the record.


The time he shared his youngest sister Kylie's private phone numbers on Twitter following an argument.

The time that he regifted a present his then teenage sister Kendall had given him to someone else. When she confronted her brother and held him accountable for his actions, telling him she wanted the gift back, he replied, "That’s the first time you ever got me a gift you entire life. You’re hilarious. Buy it yourself you moron."

The time he got engaged and failed to inform his family, instead allowing them to learn about the happy news via social media, something he knew would hurt them.

rob kardashian blac chyna instagram
Rob Kardashian. Source: E!

The time he demanded his mother co-produce and sell his own spin-off reality show with Blac, only for the pair of them to sabotage it and ruin the deal within one short season.

The time that, while on his aforementioned show, discussed how disappointed he was to learn that he was having a daughter, and not a son.

The time this week when he told the world that because he had spent upwards of $350,000 on Blac (on surgery and diamonds, if social media is to be believed) she owes him sexual exclusivity and respect, the latter of which he has not once shown to the women closest to him.

Like all misogynists, when he's feeling down or short-changed, he goes to the place all misogynists thrive - the internet. He tries to exact revenge on those who are out of his grasp.

In doing what he's done to Blac, Rob has created a situation in which she cannot win.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian. Source: Instagram.

If Blac does nothing, Rob remains unaccountable and his bad - and potentially illegal - behaviour is rewarded. But if she makes her complaints formal, she could send the father of her child to prison, something no woman wants to do.

And really that's what this all comes down to, Rob's daughter, Dream.

For better or worse, she is the next generation of the Kardashian family and the only child set to carry on the family name. How Rob will see and treat the new woman in his life as time goes on, we can only wait and see, but let's hope for her sake it's substantially better than how he treats everyone else in his life.