There’s only one thing more dramatic than a feud between big name celebs: a feud between the FANS of big name celebs.
There are some feuds we can see coming from a mile off: Taylor Swift and Kanye West. Or Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.
But this latest celebrity drama has us a little confused, because…well, it just makes no sense.
You see, Beyoncé’s fans are taking aim at Emma Watson.
It’s feminism vs. feminism and…it’s really not helping anyone at all.
It all started when Emma Watson posed without a bra for Vanity Fair. When critics took aim at the Beauty and the Beast star, she hit back by saying feminism shouldn’t be used to bring other women down.
“[Feminism] is about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality,” she told BBC News when asked to respond to the controversy over the photos.
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Please PLEASE in the new dawn of alternative facts and fake news, can you stop reporting on people's instagram accounts and go to the actual interviews that have been dragged up and misrepresented? And then report them in full?? If you did, you'd find a very measured and balanced view from Emma Watson re Beyonce's performance that align with her reasons for doing this cover. Not that either decision should have to be defended; but that's the patriarchy at work.
You say that Emma Watson and Beyoncé are not responding to this drivel because they're busy "kicking the patriarchy's arse." As a feminist website, why don't you do the same.
I dont think there was anything wrong with what Emma said. Beyonce fans are known to be quite nasty with their "pack mentality" - making death threats, flooding comment sections with bee emojis, very sad that they feel that they need to this to a young woman that just wants to promote gender equality.