Since announcing my pregnancy 36 weeks ago, there’s one comment people have been making that’s about as annoying as my currently swollen ankles.
No, it’s not “oh my god are you carrying twins in there?”. No, it’s not a whole lot of unsolicited parenting advice. No, it’s not the observation that “your baby might be born on Christmas day like Jesus.” It’s not even the whole “get sleep now because you’ll never sleep again” schtick.
It’s the bagsing, or claiming, of baby names.
After joyously announcing my pregnancy to my closest friends over dinner one night, I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. It had been a long, emotional slog trying to see those two little blue lines on the stick.
After one year of failed attempts and almost four months on fertility drugs, at 34, Chris and I were finally getting the baby we’d been envisioning for a decade!
Among the “I’m so happy for you” comments and overjoyed squeals was one reaction that deflated my mood like a balloon. (Post continues after gallery.)
Celebrities during pregnancy
“Ooh, have you picked out your names yet?” my friend Carol, who’s been with her boyfriend for two years, chimed in.
“Not really at this stage,” I said – even though, yes, I’ll admit I had thought of several I liked.
Without missing a beat she added: “I’m definitely going to call my baby Sophia. Michael and I have always loved it. I’ve always wanted to call a girl Sophia.”
I didn’t quite know how to react. Sophia is a gorgeous name, and to be honest, it’s one I’d always liked too. Should I have said that straight up? Probably.
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My ex SIL and I were pregnant at the same time, I was a month ahead of her, my second, her first. One day we were taking about names and I mentioned we had chosen Riley. She advised so had they. I suggested we both rethink that. I figured that would be fair, plus I was due first and he'd been in the family more than 10 minutes. Time passed and we happened to both be in labour at the same hospital. Our husbands (brothers) were giddy running back and forth to talk to each other. Names came up again, they're still using Riley. I was pissed. My baby was born that day and I knew if we used Riley so would she out of spite. Her son was born the next day. Two cousins, born one day apart with the same name? No thanks. We used Daniel Martin instead. Funny thing, he's not a Riley at all, and now I look at Riley, he is an absolute shit of a kid and I thank my lucky stars every day.
I wouldn't use a name that someone I cared for really liked and had their heart set on using. My best friend has always loved the name Miranda and I've always really liked it too. When I delivered a baby girl, I didn't even want to use the name Miranda because I didn't want to hurt my friend, I just lost all desire to use the name. I ended up choosing a great name for my daughter that suits her so well.