
The amazing photos of conjoined twins who were successfully separated.

A photographer from Brazil has developed an amazing photo series of  conjoined twins before and after their surgery to be separated.

In August Mateus André from Goiânia in Brazil, began taking photos of twins Maria Clara and Maria Eduarda, when they were just two months old. At the time, the two baby girls were waiting for separation surgery at Hospital Materno Infantil (HMI) in Goiânia.

André then shot them again following their six hour operation to be separated.

The twins when conjoined. Image credit: Mateus André - Fotografia. Image via:

"I had the honour of photographing the conjoined twins Maria Clara and Maria Eduarda," he said on his Facebook page.

André explained that the girls are from Salvador and come from a very poor family. "Maria Clara and Maria Eduarda are fused in the abdomen and share the liver," he wrote.

His photos were taken in Casa do Interior de Goiás, which is a place that hosts people who need health care. The 28-year-old photographer captured some amazing shots of the twins after their procedure, at five months of age.

The twins when separated. Image credit: Mateus André - Fotografia. Image via:

"I travelled 260km by public transport in unbearable heat to meet the girls and their family again and the encounter was amazing," he told The Daily Mail.

"The girls’ condition is not easy, the place is poor and they need, and will need many donations...The mother told me that sometimes one of them sleeps and the other stays awake, so caring for them can be very difficult...In spite of all the difficulties they face, the family are hopeful that the surgery will give them a better future," he told the publication.

We hope the girls have a speedy and healthy recovery.

What do you think about the photos?

TAP ON THE IMAGE to see the full series of the conjoined twins before and after surgery...


Photos by Mateus André from