There's a girl I went to school with.
She doesn't think you should be wearing a facemask.
She uses words like 'biodiversification' and 'sheeple' and 'plandemic' and keeps telling her followers to "just wait..." although it's unclear what for.
She writes in riddles and uses emojis. A unicorn. A rainbow. An eye. Her followers seem to understand what she's saying. I don't.
Stories she shares and theories she promulgates are missing significant details. Links she provides take me to websites I've never heard of with spelling errors and no capital letters, perpetuating myths that have been disproven time and time again.
She replies to anyone who questions her. Doctors. Scientists. Journalists. "Do your research" she says ominously. As though she's shrugging her shoulders with an air of confidence. You'll see.
Pete Evans speaks to 60 Minutes. Post continues below.
She doesn't speak to you. Or listen to you. She explains to you. Like a child who needs to be stepped through the theory of gravity. Except she's saying that the sky is green and it looks blue to me and down is up and up is down and excuse me but when are we allowed to ask some questions?
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