Last night season 2 of the Parental Guidance TV show, hosted by Ally Langdon and Dr Justin Coulson premiered on Channel Nine. Episode one introduced us to four of the 12 couples who each showcased a different 'parenting style'.
There's Kat, the 'honest mum', Larissa and Marcus the 'gentle parents', Sammy and Jason the 'lighthouse parents' and finally Tency and David, the 'outback parents'. These four very different families had to complete the first three challenges of the season, while the eight other families watched on as a panel, taking notes and providing feedback.
Watch the trailer for Parental Guidance season 2. Post continues below.
At the end of the episode, the panel voted for the parents who showed the best 'parenting prowess' and by the end of the series there will be an overall winner of Australia's 'best parenting style'.
While co-hosts Ally and Justin are clear about the premise and that they are NOT crowning the 'best parents', it's hard for us as viewers not to judge the parents as we witness their highs and lows and think about how we might have reacted in the same situation.
The first challenge was a family photo shoot to test 'connection and direction'. It was highly relatable to watch as bored kids began playing up, running off to find sticks or having meltdowns because they didn't want to sit still or take direction from the photographer.