I know I have to do this eventually, but I’m just not ready.
I haven’t left my child once since he was born. He has just turned three.
Since the day I became a mum I have felt so overwhelmed with love and emotion that I haven’t been able to bring myself to part with him for even a second. My mum says this isn’t normal, that it’s time I left him for a few minutes, to have some time to myself, but every time I try to leave I just can’t do it.
What if he needs me while I’m gone?
When I was in hospital with him they had a nursery but I told them that I wanted to keep him in the room with me. One morning a new nurse I'd never seen before came in to introduce herself. When she saw my son she said, "Oh my gosh, look at all that hair" and then wheeled him out of my room, saying something about showing him to one of the other nurses. Just as my lip began to wobble she came back in with him, saying her nurse friend wasn't in yet. When she saw me crying and asked what was wrong I said, "I just didn't want you to take him". She was a bit more considerate after that.
I just love my son so much and I don't want to miss anything. I don't want to miss any moments like funny things he does and says, plus I am the best person to take care of him. When he is sad or hurt it's me he wants, so I want to be there for him, always.