Whether or not to invite children and babies to weddings is an awkward and touchy subject. As a kid, not being invited to the weddings of our family and friends stung as a terrible rejection. I thought they were my friends, not just my Mum and Dad’s. When my husband and I got married, we didn’t know many people with kids, but we left the ones we did know off their parents’ invites. They were extra mouths to feed and bums on seats and we had limits on the venue and our finances. I’ve since been to weddings with all varieties of child policies: all-welcome weddings, no-kids-whatsoever weddings, and no kids except for babes-in-arms, close family or interstate children.
When I was pregnant with my daughter and we were invited to the wedding of our close friends, I really didn’t know what to do. The wedding was a few weeks after my due date, and my husband was a groomsman. The invite was only for the two of us, obviously not “plus unborn child”, so we didn’t know what their policy would be. I decided the best approach was to ask, so I wrote to them:
Thank you for the beautiful invitation to your wedding. We would love to both attend, however, we have a few concerns about leaving our new baby with someone else when she will only be a few weeks old. We don’t want to assume your preferences, so would like to politely ask if we can bring her to your wedding before we respond to your invitation.
It was a relief when they responded that they wanted us there, so would be accommodating of our needs. If that meant bringing the baby, they were fine with that. They put us all down as attending, but said they would confirm closer to the time, once baby had arrived. They just wanted me to be comfortable.
Top Comments
I think she was a bit callous, maybe when they have their own children.
I experienced the same thing it’s completly unnecessary and made me realise was this person really my friend? Two years after my own wedding my bridesmaid was getting married. She asked me to be a bridesmaid several years before. I was 6 months pregnant and very sick when she wanted to go bridesmaid dress shopping her wedding would possibly be 4-6 wks after my birth so I explained it would probably be best not for me to be a bridesmaid she was ok with that. I ended up having an emergency c section 3 wks before her wedding she informed me my new born was simply not welcome at the reception just her ceremony. The wedding was on a Friday, 1.5 hours away and my husband could not get off work and I couldn’t drive. I explained all this to but she insisted I was being selfish and as she made an effort for my wedding she expected the same from me. 7 years later i haven’t heard from her since she lives not far from me and has had her own child. I have reached out hoping maybe she’d now understand but was ignored.