When you read a lot of books, you soon begin to categorise them in your mind.
There are the books you read because you think you should, but ultimately you don't get what all the fuss is about.
There are the books that you thoroughly enjoy. You race to the final page but rarely give them a second thought after you've finished them.
And then there are the books that stay with you, months, years, decades after you've read them.
These are your books. Your favourites. The ones you hold close to your heart.
For me, these are the books which took me on a journey that I never wanted to end. They made me laugh. Gasp out loud. Bawl my eyes out. They taught me about myself and the world around me. And they were ultimately life-affirming (p.s if you'd like to see my weekly recommendations, follow me on Instagram.)
Here are my 10 favourite books of all time:
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