Everyone, put down your credit cards and accept defeat, because the world record has been broken for the most expensive handbag ever sold at an auction.
Yep. In a world where more than three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day, and one billion children live in actual poverty, a handbag has sold for $380,000 in Hong Kong.
LISTEN: Here’s how to save money every week. HOT TIP: Don’t buy a Birkin worth more than you’ve ever made in your life. Post continues below.
The record was previously held by Birkin and set in 2016, where the highest bidder paid $300,000.
This week, Christie’s held an auction selling the ‘Himalaya’ purse, made of matte crocodile skin, adorned with 18-karat gold buckles and 205 diamonds.
Top Comments
The Hermes bag is handcrafted in France. Your Sportsgirl bag is made in same sad sweatshop probably employing those people you talk about living with less then $2.50 a day. The Hermes bag will be worth something in 50 years time. Your Sportgirl bag will be landfill. Yes, there is something wrong that there is such a vast difference between the haves and have nots. An extravagant purchase like this may become a misguided symbol of this divide (and symbolically that's all that could make it ugly) but its certainly not the cause of it.
And all this reminds me of is Gilmore Girls "he bought her a BIRKIN BAG??". In all honestly, it's not that ugly. But I totally agree with you Jessie.