Whenever I come to work, I can always tell the difference between my co-workers at Mamamia who have kids and those who don’t. Instantly. The ones who don’t usually come in looking well rested and carrying a takeaway coffee. Their hair is brushed. They appear bright eyed and ready to face the day.
The mothers are another story.
They – we – arrive as though we’ve already lived 1000 lives before our workday even begins because we have. WE HAVE.
It’s not like I don’t remember when the biggest drama pre-work was when the outfit I’d planned in my head looked a bit rubbish when I put it on my body. CRISIS. Yes. A first-world crisis.
But that was literally decades ago. Almost two decades since the only person I had to feed, clothe and co-ordinate in the morning was myself.
The number of variables that can go wrong in the morning multiply with each child and with each activity they do.
Top Comments
It seems to me that you can also use this Telstra Smart Home thingy to lock the kids out of the house! I feel that you are not using it to its full potential!
I have no problem getting ready in the morning, or dealing with life in general, because I have no children. That means I have absolutely no responsibilities and stressors, and so I can just continue on my merry, carefree way of drinking coffee and going out every night. Mothers really are the only people who are busy or distracted by Responsible Things. The most preoccupation I have, comparatively speaking, is eating smashed avo toast and planning my next European holiday.
Oh come on, I don't have kids, I HATE mornings, and am usually running out of the door late, half dressed, but even I acknowledge that the mayhem would be ten times worse if kids were involved.
Lucky you! I'm envious.