In a world where discrimination is rife, men aren’t the first victims of inequality that come to mind. In fact, they may not be second, third… or on anyone’s list at all.
And arguably, it’s for good reason. Men aren’t a minority, nor are they the first group of people we actively need to protect from discrimination.
But being part of a majority and feeling discriminated against aren’t mutually exclusive. Naturally, in a sheer numbers game, their stories of discrimination shouldn’t demand as much air time. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be aired at all, either.
In a recent Reddit thread, men took to the platform to share the major reasons they find themselves discriminated against. And the general consensus is that gender stereotypes hurt men, women and children.
One writes that being a male teacher means everyone assumes he must be a sports coach.
“Am a male teacher in a large school. Everyone assumes I’m a coach, even people I’ve repeatedly corrected. After three years I’ve just stopped correcting people. Seriously considering buying a whistle and ditching my dress clothes for comfy shorts and t-shirt,” he wrote.
“I was a hairstylist for some time,” another adds. “The amount of times that women said they didn’t want me to perform a service for them was kind of surprising. The way people treated me and my expertise was not the same way they treated the women. Also, everyone assumed me gay.”
Another concurred with the idea that people want to put you in a category because of your gender.
"I take dance at school because I'd like to be a performer when I grow up. It's pretty off putting when the teachers tell you to just go to the weight room or just use you as a tool for lifts," one wrote.
And then, of course, are the ones we hear of a little more: the legitimate concern for some dads that they aren't taken as seriously as a parent. Or worse, considered a predator, simply because of the older-male, younger-child dynamic.
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Actually men aren't a majority in Australia, there are about 100,000 more women here. Men aren't the majority in the West either or in Russia. Globally the ratio is 1.017 : 1. Half of that is China due to the one child policy and a culture that the woman joins the mans family after marriage, so boys are preferred. The rest comes out of the Middle East. There are 228 men for every 100 women in Kuwait for example and similarly high numbers of males in places like Afghanistan. This may not be true due to problems with census data collection there.
In any event, men are a minority here.
The whole "you're male so you must be a sexuality predator" has got to stop. Not every man is a paedophile.