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Precedent dictates the experiment of letting *experts* match you according to *science* on a show called Married at First Sight… does not work.
And yet after five seasons we are all still here, just hoping that one of these couples will prosper. But in news that will shock no one, that won’t be Sam and Elizabeth.
Sam Ball, who went to New Zealand the morning after his wedding to attend a funeral, will apparently break things off with his television wife, Lizzie.
In a recent interview with E! News Australia, he revealed that he was “attracted to a couple of the [other] brides”.
Considering after he married Lizzie he told producers, “I’ve never dated girls as big as her in the past” before adding “maybe I’ll get her running in the mornings!”, that isn’t all too surprising.
But he did drop a hint of who it will be that he wife swaps with.
These are the exact phrases we find ourselves yelling at the TV while watching Married at First Sight. Post continues after video.
“Martha is beautiful. Ines is more my type, as well,” he told the publication.
Top Comments
While I'm here...does anyone else wonder why Inis looks so much like Michelle Bridges? 🧐
MAF is full of amateur actors. The characters are so transparently fake (over the top) they CAN'T possibly real (Inis can hardly keep a straight face when delivering her deliberately contentious lines). And the relationships are not real marriages so the 'couples' aren't going to behave as they would in a real marriage (would a REAL new wife stick around while her hubby disappears for a week with no communication?). If they WEREN'T paid actors planted to cause drama Inis' abusive rants towards stripper-boy (sorry don't remember his name) would've been addressed by the "experts".