I want to tell you a love story. It’s a different type of love story.
It’s not the traditional boy meets girl, they fall in love and make babies story. It’s more girl meets girl, they fall in love and some friends from that first story help them make a baby. Two, actually!
It’s an epic story, one where you feel like the director was indulgent keeping too many repetitive scenes. But it’s like that; it takes a lot of planning and time for lesbians to make babies. At first I kept a journal, I made little sketches of places and things, and kept emails between us all. I knew my child would find it challenging to reference their story in mainstream family folklore.
There was lots of planning, charting bell-shaped ovulation charts, talking, and dreaming. Some bits took less planning, like who would carry the first baby was decided by a coin toss whilst on holidays in Thailand. Maybe it was something about the shape of that Baht coin, but it landed in favour of Louise five times.
Other decisions took more planning, like the logistics of matching ovulation with travelling to Canberra, where my friends Pia and David and their children then lived.
We would wait until their children were asleep to do a home insemination. David with a sweet shy smile handing over a little parcel (lunch zip-log bag) me quickly inseminating (some would be surprised a little medicine dispenser works just fine) done just in time for an episode of The West Wing. Imagine the four of us there on the couch, sharing a tub of gelato, one of us with our legs up in the air… like no love story you’ve ever seen on TV. But that’s my love story, and how our babies were made.
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